More Information about New Jersey Assemblyman's DUI Arrest Released

September 5, 2012 | Posted In Criminal Law - Arrests, DUI/DWI

New Jersey DUI lawyersDiscuss Holes in Police Report

The dispute between a New Jersey lawmaker and the police officer who arrested him for DUI is growing louder.  Local police have now released more information about the arrest of New Jersey Assemblyman Paul Moriarty Democrat-Gloucester.  However, New Jersey DUI lawyers find that critical details of the arrest remain missing.

Moriarty was arrested last month when he was traveling on state Highway 42 in Turnersville.  According to official reports, he was driving alone when he was pulled over and charged with driving while intoxicated.  He also allegedly refused to take a breathalyzer test and is facing those charges as well.

Moriarty denies these charges, claiming that he is a victim of abuse of power.  New Jersey DUI lawyershave found a number of discrepancies in the police report.  For instance, it does not provide strong details about why the officer suspected Moriarty of driving under the influence of alcohol or why he stopped Moriarty.  The full police report has not been released to the public.

According to Moriarty's version of events, he had just left a car dealership when he was suddenly pulled over by a police officer who alleged that Moriarty had cut him off at an intersection.  Moriarty denies that he did anything of the sort.  The police officer ordered him to get out of the car and take a field sobriety test.  He then issued a summons for DUI.  Moriarty vehemently denies that he had consumed any alcoholic beverages before driving that day.

The conflict between the arresting officer and Moriarty is threatening to grow uglier, with Moriarty alleging that the officer has a checkered record.  The officer had been previously fired from his job at the Washington Township Police Department because of untruths that he told during an internal affairs investigation at the Department.  The Washington Township Police Department is maintaining a strong silence about those accusations.

The New Jersey DUI lawyers at Helmer Paul Conley and Kasselman represent persons charged with DUI across New Jersey.

Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A.

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