Construction Defect Litigation

Builders can’t bury their mistakes.

If you have paid a contractor to build a new home or commercial building, only to discover serious defects that compromise the integrity and value of your property, you want a knowledgeable attorney to help you protect your rights. Construction defects don’t go away, and usually lead to other problems. In addition to the costs of fixing the problem, you may incur expenses or lost income because the property is not safe to use. Furthermore, depending on the nature of the defect, you and others may be at significant risk of injury because of the defects.

Construction defects can take many forms, and can arise because of

  • Poor or substandard workmanship, including failure to address potential water or moisture issues, failure to properly insulate, improper wiring or plumbing or failing to follow design specifications
  • The use of substandard or improper materials, from low quality windows or doors to shingles or roofing that lacks proper water or moisture barriers
  • Negligence in design or engineering—Defects can result because the way architects design a building. For example, an architect may create a visually attractive structure that is susceptible to water or other problems.
  • Failure to consider or properly address subsurface issues—A builder or designer may not adequately consider the substrata beneath a building, resulting in unwanted movement after construction. This can lead to foundation problems, as well as damage to walls, floors and other parts of the structure

When builders or others involved in the construction process fail to follow reasonable standards in the construction of a home or building, you can end up with:

  • Severe mold problems due to failure to provide proper water or moisture barriers
  • Cracks in foundations, steps, floors or walkways due to negligence in design or construction
  • Leaking roofs, doors or windows, leading to water or other damage


At Tobolsky Law, we bring more than 30 years of experience to individuals, businesses and business owners in southern New Jersey and southeastern Pennsylvania. We built our successful practice by providing prompt, personalized and effective service. We believe that we can best serve our clients by taking the time to get to know you and your business, and by establishing and fostering long-term relationships.

Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A.

Time is of the Essence

Don’t let your rights be jeopardized.