How to Protect Yourself After a DUI or Criminal Arrest in New Jersey

September 30, 2024 | Posted In Criminal Law

If you’ve been arrested for a crime or driving under the influence (DUI) in New Jersey, you need to be very careful to protect yourself. Regardless of the specific charge you are facing, a conviction could lead to fines, jail (or prison) time, and other serious penalties. What do you need to do in this scenario? Find out from an experienced New Jersey criminal lawyer.

10 Important Steps to Take After Getting Arrested in New Jersey

Here are 10 important steps to take after getting arrested for a crime or DUI in New Jersey:

1. Exercise Your Right to Remain Silent

It is critical that you exercise your right to remain silent after an arrest. You do not want to say anything that could make your situation worse or that prosecutors could use against you. If anyone from the police department or prosecutor’s office attempts to contact you, you should state that you are exercising your right to remain silent and tell them that they will need to speak with your New Jersey criminal lawyer.

2. Do Not Post on Social Media or Discuss Your Case with Friends, Family Members, or Coworkers

Protecting yourself means keeping the details of your case to yourself. Anything you post on social media is fair game for prosecutors, and if you admit anything to your friends, family members, or coworkers, prosecutors may be able to call these individuals as witnesses against you (though your spouse or partner may be able to refuse to testify). If called to testify, these individuals will be under oath, and if they lie on your behalf, they could face criminal charges themselves.

3. Do Not Ignore the Severity of Your Situation

All criminal and DUI charges in New Jersey are serious. All charges carry the potential for fines and jail (or prison) time, and many carry the potential for other penalties as well. Additionally, if you get convicted, your conviction will negatively impact your life in various ways for years—if not decades—to come. As a result, defending against your case needs to be your top priority.

4. Do Not Assume You Will Be Found Guilty

While it is important to understand the severity of your situation, it is equally important not to assume that you will be found guilty. You have defenses available regardless of the facts at hand, and an experienced New Jersey criminal lawyer will be able to assert these defenses effectively on your behalf. Even if you cannot avoid a guilty verdict entirely, your lawyer may still be able to help significantly reduce the immediate and long-term consequences of your arrest.

5. Take Detailed Notes

To get ready for your case, you should take detailed notes. Write down everything you can remember about the day or evening of your arrest. Taking notes will help you recall details that you might have forgotten—and it will be important for you to share as many details as possible with your New Jersey criminal lawyer.

6. Make Sure You Know Your First Court Date

The first court date in your criminal or DUI case could be coming up fairly quickly. You need to make sure you know your first court date, and you need to make arrangements now to be there on time. If you aren’t sure when you need to be in court (or where you need to go), your New Jersey criminal lawyer will be able to help.

7. Learn About the Penalties You are Facing

To ensure that you understand what you have at stake in your case, you will want to learn about the penalties you are facing. In New Jersey, the penalties for criminal offenses and DUIs vary widely depending on the specific circumstances involved. For an overview of the potential penalties in these cases, you can read:

If you aren’t sure exactly what type of charge you are facing, your lawyer can assist you with this as well. Your lawyer can also help you understand any other consequences that could result from a conviction—including consequences related to your professional license, employment, or immigration status.

8. Learn About Potential Defenses to Your Charge

In addition to learning about the penalties you are facing, you should also take some time to learn about the defenses you may have available. Here, too, there are several possibilities—and the specific defenses you have available will depend on the specific facts of your case. Broadly speaking, however, defenses to criminal charges and DUIs fall into three categories: (i) constitutional defenses, (ii) affirmative defenses, and (iii) defenses related to the prosecution’s burden of proof.

9. Make Sure You Don’t Get Arrested Again

While you are awaiting trial in New Jersey, it is extremely important to make sure you don’t get arrested again. If you get arrested again, not only can this make it more difficult to ask for leniency, but it can also lead to being charged as a repeat offender. Repeat offenders face enhanced penalties under New Jersey law in most cases.

10. Get Help from a New Jersey Criminal Lawyer

One of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself after a DUI arrest in New Jersey is to speak with a lawyer as soon as possible. From helping you make smart decisions to representing you in court (or in plea deal negotiations), there are many ways an experienced New Jersey criminal lawyer will be able to help you. Hiring a lawyer might not be as expensive as you think, and it can ultimately prove far more costly to try to handle your situation on your own.

Speak with an Experienced New Jersey Criminal Lawyer in Confidence

If you would like to speak with a New Jersey criminal lawyer, we encourage you to get in touch right away. To speak with an experienced lawyer at Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A. in confidence as soon as possible, call 877-435-6371 or contact us online now.

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