HCK Ethics Disclosure

At HCK, all of us take our ethical responsibilities very seriously.  The reason that you will not see references to client testimonials,  awards, or related topics on this site is that the NJ Supreme Court and the Committee on Attorney Advertising have established very strict boundaries around what is permissible. We do not want to risk making a mistake about what is not permissible, and is therefore unethical to share- so we have chosen to omit those topics from our advertising.  If you have questions about our attorneys’ experience and credentials, please ask them directly.

January 22, 2015

Expungement Legislation

A state legislative committee recently recommended three interlinked bills that would make it easier for persons with minor criminal records to apply for expungement, criminal attorneys in New Jersey...

January 15, 2015

DWI Step-Down Sentencing

The state Supreme Court recently ruled that drunk driving offenders with multiple convictions can use the state’s “step-down” provision more than once, DUI/DWI lawyers in New Jersey...

January 13, 2015

Pets in the Modern Family

The modern couple is one that celebrates stages of commitment, such as moving in together, sharing a car, getting engaged, and, as is becoming increasingly more popular, buying a new pet to care for...

January 8, 2015

Immigration Reform

President Barack Obama recently announced his decision to move forward on his own with respect to the issue of immigration reform, instead of waiting for Congress to move with him. Although he has had...

Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A.

Time is of the Essence

Don’t let your rights be jeopardized.