Clark Traffic Violation Lawyer
Pulled Over in Union County? Find Out How a Clark Traffic Ticket Lawyer Can Help
If you got pulled over in Union County and are now trying to decide what to do about a traffic ticket, you need to ensure that you make an informed decision. Not only are you facing possible fines and points on your driver’s license, but a conviction could also raise your insurance rates by hundreds of dollars (if not more) per year. To make sure you do not incur these costs unnecessarily, you should discuss your ticket with an experienced Clark traffic violation lawyer as soon as possible.
It is also important to make sure you understand what it means to “simply” pay a traffic ticket in New Jersey. Paying your ticket amounts to an admission of guilt, and this means that you will have a traffic violation conviction on your record. Additionally, if you are required to appear in court (as is often the case) and do not do so, you could face additional consequences for your failure to appear.
What You Need to Know if You Received a Traffic Ticket in Clark, NJ
What else do you need to know if you received a traffic ticket in Clark, New Jersey? The short answer is, “More than you might think.” While people get traffic tickets every day, most people don’t realize just how serious a traffic ticket can be under New Jersey law. Here are some more important facts to consider:
1. You Cannot Simply Ignore Your Traffic Ticket
Ignoring a traffic ticket can prove to be a very costly mistake. Ignoring your ticket won’t make it go away—if anything, it will only make your situation worse. You will have to pay the fine eventually, and if the checkbox next to “Court Appearance Required” is checked, ignoring your ticket (and your obligation to appear in court) could lead to the judge issuing a bench warrant for your arrest.
2. Insurance Premium Increases for Traffic Violations Can Be Substantial
Just how much can your insurance premiums go up if you get a traffic ticket in New Jersey? While reports that the average annual increase is around nine percent, according to, New Jersey drivers can see their insurance rates jump by as much as 73 percent for reckless driving and as much as 79 percent for a DUI (which is classified as a traffic violation under New Jersey law).
3. You May Have a Variety of Options for Disputing Your Traffic Ticket
While some traffic ticket cases can seem fairly straightforward (i.e., if you got caught speeding excessively), even seemingly simple cases can be deceptively complicated. If you received a speeding ticket, was the radar detector properly calibrated? If not, prosecutors might not be able to prove that you were driving above the posted speed limit.
If you received a reckless driving ticket, what (if anything) was “reckless” about your actions behind the wheel? Did you have to swerve or leave the road to avoid a collision? Were you being “careless” rather than “reckless” (which carries lesser penalties)? If you can raise any of these types of questions, this could be enough to prevent prosecutors from proving your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
4. Even Negotiating a Plea Deal to Reduce Your Charge Can Be Well Worth It
Even if you cannot avoid consequences entirely, hiring a Clark traffic violation lawyer to negotiate a plea deal that reduces your charge could still be well worth it. Reducing your charge could save you hundreds of dollars (if not more) in fines and increased insurance premiums.
When should you seek a plea deal for a traffic ticket? There is no single “right” answer. Instead, how you should approach your case depends on the specific circumstances involved. When you hire a Clark traffic ticket lawyer at our firm to represent you, your lawyer will carefully assess all relevant facts and circumstances in order to provide custom-tailored advice with your best interests in mind.
5. You Do Not Want to Go to Municipal Court Without a Lawyer
If you do not accept a plea deal, fighting your traffic ticket will most likely mean going to municipal court. You do not want to go to municipal court without a lawyer. From dealing with the procedural aspects of your case to making sure you assert all viable defenses effectively, there are several reasons why you will want to have an experienced Clark traffic violation lawyer by your side.
What to Expect When You Hire a Clark Traffic Violation Lawyer
With all of this in mind, what can (and should) you expect when you hire a lawyer to represent you? Here is what you can expect when you hire a Clark traffic violation lawyer at Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A.:
- Personalized Case Assessment and Legal Advice – Your lawyer will provide a personalized case assessment and legal advice that is custom-tailored to your individual circumstances.
- Complete Transparency – Your lawyer will provide complete transparency, from the cost of your legal representation to what you can reasonably expect to achieve through a plea deal or in court.
- Effective Legal Representation – Your lawyer will rely on his or her extensive experience in New Jersey traffic violation cases to provide effective legal representation at all stages of your case.
Regardless of whether you are required to appear in court, time is of the essence. To learn what a traffic ticket lawyer at our Clark law office can do to help before it’s too late, contact us today.
Contact Us to Speak with a Clark Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Confidence
Are you facing a traffic ticket in Union County? If so, we can help you decide if it’s worth hiring a lawyer, and if so, we can get to work on your case immediately if necessary. To speak with an experienced Clark traffic ticket lawyer at Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A. in confidence, call 877-435-6371 or tell us how we can help online now.