New Jersey Family & Divorce Mediation Lawyers

When facing family-related legal dispute, informal methods of resolution can lack the structure required to form a consensus, and going to court can be unnecessarily costly, time-consuming and contentious. Mediation provides a middle ground that allows family members to find amicable resolutions with the help of an experienced and neutral third party.

What is mediation?

Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) that involves both parties – each represented by their own attorney – working with a “mediator.” The mediator does not make any decisions, but rather helps the parties explore creative options for finding common ground. As a result, the parties retain control over the outcome of their dispute, but they benefit from the guidance and experience of someone who has helped other families and couples resolve similar types of issues.

How long does mediation take?

In many family-related matters, mediation can be completed in a single day. The parties may reach an agreement during the mediation session; or, the session may help the parties reach a point from which they can finalize an amicable resolution on their own. In more-complex matters, such as high-net-worth divorces, it may take multiple mediation sessions to work through the parties’ differences.

What types of disputes can be resolved through mediation?

Virtually all types of family-related legal disputes have the potential to be resolved through mediation. If the parties are willing to work together with open minds, mediation can be an efficient and cost-effective solution for disputes involving:

  • Custody and parenting time
  • Parental responsibility for college expenses
  • Terms of divorce (i.e. alimony, child custody, child support and property division)
  • Other family-related issues

How do we choose a mediator?

When family members are at odds, even choosing a mediator to help them can present certain challenges. Depending upon the nature of your dispute, you may be able to rely on a court-appointed mediator, or the attorneys involved may be able to recommend potential mediators that will meet with everyone’s approval. In any case, you should choose a mediator who has completed the necessary training, and who has specific (and recent) experience in family law matters similar to yours.

Do I need a lawyer to represent me during mediation?

While legal representation is not a requirement, there are several important reasons to hire an attorney to represent you in divorce or family law mediation. For example, remember that the mediator is a neutral third party. While the mediator’s goal should be to offer mutually-agreeable opportunities for resolution, he or she is not obligated to (and should not) provide legal advice to either party. In order to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of proposed resolutions, you will need an attorney who can help you understand all of the potential implications involved.

Experienced Attorneys for New Jersey Family Law Mediation

If you would like more information about using mediation for your divorce or other family-related legal dispute, we encourage you to contact us for an initial consultation. To speak with an attorney at one of our 12 convenient office locations in New Jersey, please call 1-877-435-6371 or get in touch online today.

Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A.

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