False Allegations of Domestic Violence New Jersey Defense Attorney

Hire an Experienced New Jersey Defense Attorney to Help You Fight False Allegations of Domestic Violence

You should not be forced to live with the consequences of someone else’s false allegations. If you have been wrongfully accused of domestic violence, you need to fight to protect your reputation and your freedom—and this starts with putting an experienced New Jersey criminal lawyer on your side.

Are You Facing False Allegations of Domestic Violence in New Jersey?

Unfortunately, false allegations of domestic violence are a very real concern. While domestic violence is a very real issue, the consequences of facing false allegations can be just as severe. If the alleged victim secures a domestic violence restraining order, you may be prohibited from entering your home or seeing your children, and if you violate the restraining order—even unknowingly—you could be arrested.

Crucially, this could all happen weeks before your criminal domestic violence trial.

Domestic violence restraining orders are issued in civil court, and alleged victims’ requests for restraining orders are often handled on an emergency basis. They are also handled ex parte, which means that you don’t necessarily have the right to be present. The burden of proof for securing a restraining order is much lower than the burden of proof for securing a criminal conviction, and judges will usually err on the side of protecting those who claim to be victims.

Fighting False Allegations in a New Jersey Domestic Violence Case

False allegations can be a powerful weapon. But, it is also possible to disprove false allegations in many cases. While the truth is unlikely to come out on its own, an experienced New Jersey defense attorney will be able to conduct a thorough investigation, question witnesses and take other steps to prove that you do not deserve to be prosecuted.

Of course, there are no guarantees. Facing domestic violence allegations is a serious matter, and you are at risk even if you have been falsely accused. While an experienced defense attorney may be able to protect you, your attorney will need as much time as possible to gather evidence, communicate with the prosecutor’s office and prepare your case for court. If you are not already subject to a domestic violence restraining order, your attorney will also need to get to work right away fighting to protect you from unnecessary consequences.

Due to the risks involved, responding to false allegations of domestic violence is not something you should do on your own. Our attorneys are here to help, and we can get to work protecting you right away.

Talk to a New Jersey Criminal Lawyer About Fighting Your False Allegations

Have you been falsely accused of domestic violence in New Jersey? If so, you need to take action to protect yourself right away. To discuss your situation with an experienced New Jersey criminal lawyer at Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A. as soon as possible, please call 877-435-6371 or contact us confidentially online now. 

Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A.

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